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Rooting Into the Self: Strength and Transformation Through Sandplay Therapy and the 12 Tray Process

Just as a tree grows from the depths of its roots into a towering presence, so too does the process of Sandplay therapy guide individuals through deep, transformative growth. Each tray in the 12-tray process is like a ring in the trunk of a tree, representing a stage of development, self-discovery, and integration. With each step, we root deeper into the unconscious, allowing new branches of understanding and strength to emerge.

SandPlay therapy, like Carl Jung's individuation, is about connecting the conscious mind with the depths of the unconscious, enabling a person to integrate their hidden, shadowed aspects into the whole self. The 12-tray process mirrors this growth, providing a structured yet fluid journey through the landscape of one’s inner world. 

The Roots: Deep Exploration of the Self

The strength of SandPlay lies in its capacity to create a safe space for this exploration. Just as a tree's roots need nourishing soil to grow deep and strong, the therapeutic space provides the fertile ground for the individual’s inner growth. With each tray, they explore different aspects of their life—traumas, joys, fears, and desires—planting themselves firmly in the process of self-discovery. Like the tree’s roots, which search for nutrients far below the surface, the individual in SandPlay therapy digs into parts of themselves they may never have encountered.

The Trunk: Stability Through the Process

As the individual progresses through the 12 trays, they build a foundation, much like the trunk of a tree growing strong from its roots. The trays represent stages of psychological and emotional growth. Early trays may express confusion, fear, or fragmentation, but over time, as the individual continues to work through their unconscious material, a sense of order and stability begins to emerge. Each tray adds to the core of who they are, like rings forming in the tree trunk.

The trunk, representing the individual’s sense of self, grows as they become more integrated. Through the 12-tray process, they confront their fears, uncover strengths, and begin to understand the unconscious patterns driving their behaviours. Like a tree growing taller with each passing season, they begin to stand more firmly in their sense of self, empowered by the deep work they’ve done in the sand.

The Branches: Reaching Toward Healing and Wholeness

As the tree grows, it doesn’t just root deeper into the earth; it also stretches upward and outward, reaching for the light. The final stages of the SandPlay process are like the tree’s branches, representing the individual’s capacity to expand their understanding, heal from past wounds, and develop new, healthier ways of relating to themselves and the world. 

The branches symbolise the individual’s outward growth—their relationships, goals, and newfound strength to face the challenges of life. In SandPlay, this is where transformation becomes visible. By the time the individual reaches the later trays, they have not only explored their past but have begun to integrate and understand it. Their unconscious material, once hidden in the depths, is now part of a greater whole, allowing them to grow in ways they may not have thought possible at the beginning of the process.

The tree’s branches, spreading wide and strong, are a testament to the resilience gained through this therapeutic journey. Each tray in the process represents the courage to face another part of the self, and with that courage comes the strength to grow beyond limitations and fears. 

The Canopy: Shelter and Wholeness

At the conclusion of the 12-tray process, the individual, like a fully grown tree, has developed a sense of wholeness. The canopy of the tree provides shelter and space for growth, much like the individual now has the capacity to care for themselves and others with greater awareness and compassion. They have connected the roots of their unconscious material with the branches of their conscious life, creating a full, integrated self.

Just as a tree does not grow without facing storms, the process of SandPlay therapy involves confronting deep fears and unresolved traumas. However, by moving through the 12 trays, the individual learns that these challenges are not to be feared but embraced as part of their growth. The strength of the therapy lies in the trust that each tray, each layer of sand, is a necessary step toward becoming whole.

Rooting and Growing Through Sandplay

Participating in SandPlay therapy and committing to the 12-tray process is an act of immense strength. Like a tree that grows deep roots and strong branches, the therapy helps individuals root themselves in their inner world, find stability, and grow outward toward healing and transformation. Each tray represents another step toward self-discovery and integration, offering the individual the chance to confront their fears and grow stronger, more resilient, and more whole in the process.

Through Sandplay, we do not disappear into the depths of our unconscious but become like the tree—rooted, strong, and capable of reaching the light of self-awareness and healing.

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